Sonder Shots

för ett litet tag sen blev jag fotograferad av Hajan Jabar för hennes fotoprojekt Sonder Shots. Var så bekväm med henne och hon fick mig att känna mig så fin. ❤️

Till publiceringen skrev jag en text om att vara tjock och rädd för närhet kärlek och sex:

“Way too many people are so embarrassed and insecure about their bodies that they don’t let themselves enjoy dating, love and having sex. And even when in a relationship they turn the lights off when having sex because of the shame of not being skinny.

I get so sad when I think about how my love life was non existent because of my self hate. How that limited my chances of being loved and having amazing sex.

This might come as a shock for you because I couldn’t believe it myself before but:

Fat people CAN have sex.

Fat people can have sex with other fat people.

Fat people can have sex with skinny people.

Fat people can have sex with athletic people and it can be very intimate, sexy and beautiful.

If you have a partner and if you’re insecure about your body or if your seeing someone but are so scared and intimidated about the thought of getting undressed with that person for the first time that you’re thinking about calling the dating off (I’ve done this so many times ughh) – KNOW THIS:

The person you’re dating knows what you look like and WANTS you!

Let that person see you and touch you.

Every part of you.

Your legs, your arms, your back, your belly.

Let yourself feel the touch of another person.

You deserve it.

You deserve to be free.

When you let go of your fears, insecurities and stop holding back because of our societies stupid beauty standards amazing things come your way.

Life is so much better when you allow yourself to be present and FREE. Sex and love is NOT just for skinny people. I wish that I knew this years ago but I’m so happy and blessed that I know this now.”


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  • Så vackra bilder – DU är vacker, och så fint skrivet! Du inspirerar verkligen!

    Monica 2018-09-19 15:23:12
  • QUEEN!!! Beautiful brave beautiful queen!!! You are such a heroine!

    Eva 2018-09-19 09:32:17
  • Jag tycker du är jätte fin, om det fanns fler som dig som fick oss kurviga att se på oss själva ur våra partners perspektiv så skulle vi må så mycket bättre…tack för fint inlägg.

    Alice Wristel 2018-09-17 09:01:08

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